“Help! We Need Writing Support!”

The dreaded Blank Page. Every content creator knows how daunting it can be!
Nonprofit donor dev teams face this all the time. Every donor engagement seems to start there, whether it’s a short email or a lengthy annual report. That’s why I often get calls like this from NP leaders:

“HELP! We need writing support!”

They are struggling with the WHAT of effective donor engagement >> What message do we share with donors?
The WHAT is all about filling that dreaded blank page with content, moving those words to design/production, and seeing it to delivery/execution. Then repeat, for every comm needed, throughout the entire year. No wonder NP donor comm teams are worn out!

btw: Content Creation is not the first frog your team should be eating. See what I mean here. 
A standalone, one-at-a-time, one-off approach is exhausting. And it sacrifices the effectiveness of an integrated, multi-channel, segmented strategy that connects each engagement to the others for maximum impact.
Whenever a NP calls for content creation help, I always go up a level from tactics to strategy and ask about the WHY (case for support narrative), the WHO (donor segmentation), and the WHEN (segmented plans). These three feed into the WHAT so teams never start with a blank page.

Figuring out WHAT to say isn’t just about the task of filling the blank page though. For NP orgs, it’s about connecting with others and strengthening relationships with your donors.

Effective donor engagement depends on your consistent, meaningful outreach.

In this age where content is king, your team needs the right strategy to avoid burnout and to fully fund your mission’s bottom line. 


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I help nonprofits already raising $1M+ annually to remove the mission-critical blind spots that keep their donors from giving and keep their teams running ragged. Should we work together? Let’s see!

your 15-minute Change Chat here and share about your nonprofit and how you’d like to improve your donor strategy.


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No, You Aren’t Bothering Your Donors